

How To Find the Best Cheese for Weight Loss

The best cheese for weight loss is the one with no fat or low fat. Low/no fat cheeses are good snacks! The protein makes them filling. They are inexpensive and easy to find in small, portion controlled packages. There is [...]

Infographic: How to Control Snacking in the Evening

Eating between dinner and bedtime can often lead to major weight gain. There are all kinds of techniques to slow down eating at night. This includes going to sleep earlier, eliminating carbs and alcohol (which produce hunger) from the dinner [...]

Vending Machines in Schools Promote Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity is Reaching Epidemic Proportions In an age when 30% of children are at risk for being overweight or obese, the epidemic of overeating is being compounded. When children and teens are faced not only with bad school lunches, [...]

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