artificial sweeteners

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New Artificial Sweeteners: What Are Best For Weight Loss?

New artificial sweeteners share none of the problems identified in some of the older varieties. When searching for sweeteners, look for the natural ones like Stevia and Truvia. The best artificial sweeteners are those sold in liquid form. They don't [...]

Artificially Sweetened Beverages Can Help You Lose Weight

Recent Groundbreaking Studies from the Obesity Society Show Diet Drinks Are Safe and Play a Positive Role in Weight Loss Artificially Sweetened Beverages (ASBs) have been available for more than 50 years and have been consumed by billions of individuals. [...]

11 Diet Myths That are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Diet Myths Often Prevent Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance Often many people struggling to lose weight will reach for what appears to be a simple solution to a complicated problem. They lose focus of what's important. One can become frustrated [...]

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