weight loss plateau

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Weight Loss Plateaus: Causes and Solutions

How to Break Free From Weight Loss Plateaus Most individuals who have lost weight, only to regain it later, know it's easier to lose weight than to keep it off. Why is this so difficult? As one loses weight there [...]

Infographic: Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

A common complaint is that a person is dieting (restricting their carbs and calories), exercising, and not losing weight. For most of us this is a very frustrating experience. Dr. Lipman has treated more than 40,000 overweight patients during the [...]

8 Secrets to Get Off the Weight Loss Plateau

The Weight Loss Plateau: Why Does it Occur and What Can You Do? You have watched your diet for weeks, exercised and saw a steady weight loss. Then suddenly it all ends. You are on the weight loss plateau. No [...]

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