slow metabolism

Home/Tag:slow metabolism

Weight Loss Plateaus: Causes and Solutions

How to Break Free From Weight Loss Plateaus Most individuals who have lost weight, only to regain it later, know it's easier to lose weight than to keep it off. Why is this so difficult? As one loses weight there [...]

Boost Metabolism to Lose Weight Fast

What is Metabolism? Every day, we inundated with products, commercials, and "advice" about how to boost metabolism. However, these sources rarely define what it is that you are trying to boost. Metabolism is the collection of chemical processes that occur [...]

Low Thyroid and Weight Gain

Do You Have a Low Thyroid Causing Problems Losing Weight? Thyroid weight gain is due to low thyroid gland function and is a common cause of difficulty loosing weight. Up to 300 million people worldwide suffer from an under active thyroid, or [...]

Infographic: 10 Causes of a Slow Metabolism

Daily metabolism includes the energy we all need to metabolize food, keep warm, think, and move about. A HIGH metabolism means you are burning more food than you need and will lose weight while a slow metabolism means weight gain. [...]

The Value of Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green Tea Helps Metabolize Foods There have long been studies into the health benefits of green tea and the connections it has with weight loss. Green tea has been found to have many positive effects and can play a role [...]

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