Medical Issues

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Insomnia and Weight Gain: What to Do

Insomnia and Interrupted Sleep Leads to Overeating and Weight Gain What Is Insomnia & How Does It Cause Weight Gain? Many people think the term “insomnia” refers to a complete lack of sleep. In truth, insomnia encompasses a host of [...]

Are Prescription Medications Causing Your Weight Gain?

Why You Need to Entrust Your Weight Loss to a Skilled Physician Medications prescribed for one problem can often cause others. Sometimes the side effects from the medication can be worse than any benefits.  Weight gain is one of the [...]

2019-02-11T23:38:45+00:00Categories: Medical Issues|Tags: , |

Low Thyroid and Weight Gain

Do You Have a Low Thyroid Causing Problems Losing Weight? Thyroid weight gain is due to low thyroid gland function and is a common cause of difficulty loosing weight. Up to 300 million people worldwide suffer from an under active thyroid, or [...]

Infographic: Sleep Apnea vs. Obesity: Which Came First?

Sleep Apnea May Be the Cause of Obesity Sleep apnea and obesity is a dangerous combination. With sleep apnea, sleep is disturbed by intermittent episodes of NO breathing during the night. This leads to less oxygen in the blood and [...]

Infographic: Is Lack of Sleep Making You Fat

Lack of sleep is an often overlooked cause of weight gain. As technology advances, all kinds of activities can occur at sleep time that did not occur years ago. Impaired sleep effects metabolic hormones, glucose, and insulin metabolism. Over long [...]

2019-01-28T23:31:18+00:00Categories: Medical Issues|Tags: , |

Infographic: 10 Causes of a Slow Metabolism

Daily metabolism includes the energy we all need to metabolize food, keep warm, think, and move about. A HIGH metabolism means you are burning more food than you need and will lose weight while a slow metabolism means weight gain. [...]

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