Weight Loss Tips

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Weekend Cheat Days and Make Up Mondays

Reduce Weight Gain From Weekend “Cheat Days” with Make-Up Mondays Weekend cheat days (or cheat meals anytime) are disruptive for people trying to lose or even just maintain their weight. High calorie, high carb meals at restaurants or friends’ homes, [...]

Weight Loss Plateaus: Causes and Solutions

How to Break Free From Weight Loss Plateaus Most individuals who have lost weight, only to regain it later, know it's easier to lose weight than to keep it off. Why is this so difficult? As one loses weight there [...]

Boost Metabolism to Lose Weight Fast

What is Metabolism? Every day, we inundated with products, commercials, and "advice" about how to boost metabolism. However, these sources rarely define what it is that you are trying to boost. Metabolism is the collection of chemical processes that occur [...]

Weight Loss Maintainers: Their Secrets Exposed

11,000 Weight Loss Maintainers Have Lost & Kept Their Weight Off for 6 Years While almost 60% of Americans are trying to lose weight, many quickly gain it back. However, there are many individuals who have lost weight and not [...]

Controlling Cravings for Fast Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss Secrets: Controlling Cravings Medical weight loss focuses on controlling cravings. Cravings are intense desires or urges for a particular substance-a drug, alcohol, or a food, even in the absence of hunger. Obese prone individuals have a heightened [...]

2019-02-11T07:51:51+00:00Categories: Weight Loss Tips|Tags: , |
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