Weight Loss Foods

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New Artificial Sweeteners: What Are Best For Weight Loss?

New artificial sweeteners share none of the problems identified in some of the older varieties. When searching for sweeteners, look for the natural ones like Stevia and Truvia. The best artificial sweeteners are those sold in liquid form. They don't [...]

Low Carb-Low Calorie Alternatives to Rice, Pasta, Potatoes: Zucchini Noodles & Cauliflower Rice

How Carbs Such as Rice, Pasta and Potatoes Cause Weight Gain and Hunger Many struggling to lose weight eat rice, pasta and potatoes daily. I call these the "major carbs" as opposed to bread, fruits, cookies, and chips which I call [...]

2019-02-07T07:50:05+00:00Categories: Weight Loss Foods|Tags: |

Small Lunch, Large Dinner, Weight Loss

Lunch Should Be the Small Meal of the DayMost of my patients naturally assume that their weight gain is due to snacking and food choices or portion sizes at dinner. Although this may be partly true, the mistakes one makes [...]

Miami Restaurants with Lighter, Healthy Meal Choices

Healthy Eating in Miami Restaurants Using the Lighter Menus Thousands of Miami and South Florida residents, like millions of Americans, are fighting the obesity epidemic. The need to watch what you eat at Miami restaurants is well known, but not [...]

How To Find the Best Cheese for Weight Loss

The best cheese for weight loss is the one with no fat or low fat. Low/no fat cheeses are good snacks! The protein makes them filling. They are inexpensive and easy to find in small, portion controlled packages. There is [...]

Negative Calorie Foods: Something for Nothing

Negative Calorie Foods Produce Fullness and Help Weight Loss Negative calorie foods (also known as free foods on Dr. Lipman's Diet Plans) are great choices for weight loss. The concept is that these foods contain fewer calories than the body needs [...]

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