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Boost Metabolism to Lose Weight Fast

What is Metabolism? Every day, we inundated with products, commercials, and "advice" about how to boost metabolism. However, these sources rarely define what it is that you are trying to boost. Metabolism is the collection of chemical processes that occur [...]

Insomnia and Weight Gain: What to Do

Insomnia and Interrupted Sleep Leads to Overeating and Weight Gain What Is Insomnia & How Does It Cause Weight Gain? Many people think the term “insomnia” refers to a complete lack of sleep. In truth, insomnia encompasses a host of [...]

How To Find the Best Cheese for Weight Loss

The best cheese for weight loss is the one with no fat or low fat. Low/no fat cheeses are good snacks! The protein makes them filling. They are inexpensive and easy to find in small, portion controlled packages. There is [...]

Are Prescription Medications Causing Your Weight Gain?

Why You Need to Entrust Your Weight Loss to a Skilled Physician Medications prescribed for one problem can often cause others. Sometimes the side effects from the medication can be worse than any benefits.  Weight gain is one of the [...]

2019-02-11T23:38:45+00:00Categories: Medical Issues|Tags: , |

Weight Loss Maintainers: Their Secrets Exposed

11,000 Weight Loss Maintainers Have Lost & Kept Their Weight Off for 6 Years While almost 60% of Americans are trying to lose weight, many quickly gain it back. However, there are many individuals who have lost weight and not [...]

Low Thyroid and Weight Gain

Do You Have a Low Thyroid Causing Problems Losing Weight? Thyroid weight gain is due to low thyroid gland function and is a common cause of difficulty loosing weight. Up to 300 million people worldwide suffer from an under active thyroid, or [...]

Negative Calorie Foods: Something for Nothing

Negative Calorie Foods Produce Fullness and Help Weight Loss Negative calorie foods (also known as free foods on Dr. Lipman's Diet Plans) are great choices for weight loss. The concept is that these foods contain fewer calories than the body needs [...]

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